Meredith Klein, RN

I have been working in healthcare for 25 years... as an educator, a midwife, an international volunteer, and most recently as a registered nurse.

My call to midwifery came when I was studying sustainable agriculture at Cornell University and teaching at a cooperative school with many homebirth families. It evolved as a merging of my interests in women’s health, women’s choice issues, and healthcare that includes individualized care, informed choice, and body autonomy at its core. I obtained my midwifery license in 2000, and after 20 years as a community based midwife, I went back to school to get my nursing degree in 2021. My goal was to dive in and learn about a more diverse set of clinical issues than I see in my midwifery practice, to become an instrument of change particularly in the public health sector. I'm excited to be part of the team at Deep Roots, and my hope in working here is to serve a more diverse range of patients, at all points in the life cycle, as they seek to improve their overall wellness in partnership with their providers.

I live with my partner and 2 kids, and most recently a puppy named Lucy, in McMinnville.